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Welcome to Rich League Marketing

Rich League Marketing focuses on direct, face-to-face sales through event and retail based marketing. We provide a good customers service to exposure and brand our client The communication with customers will be professional and designed specifically for our clients’ products and services. Our approach is to provide products and services on behalf of our clients on a non advice basis which allows the customer to make a decision on which product suit their needs without feeling pressured Our direct marketing approach will assist in meeting our clients’ potential customers directly, which will also allow our sales consultants to develop a positive business relationship with potential customers by providing them with sufficient product information and quality services. Our business strategy will benefit our clients’ by increasing their customer base on daily basis, which will automatically generate growth within time.


 •invest in our team to get the best out of every individual •dominant in sales and growth •supply the best costumer services to our clients •we focus on reaching the best on expansion and growth. 


 °dynamic growth of individual who seek for success °grooming small client to a well know clients °expanding of clients °Maintain high level of personal development motivated by improvement 


Unbelievable Work Ethic student mentality Positive frame of mind professionalism

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Our Experience

We have vast experience in the marketing industry.

Our History





Our Team

Meet our team

Liberty Choto

Rich League CEO

CEO: Rich League Marketing

Noluvo Tybeleyo


Hlumelo Direct Marketing

Simphiwe Stefane

Assistant Manager

Likhaya Busakwe

Assistant Manager